Contact – Jack Willson Head Quarters
12629 Berlin
North America Offices
4712 Beverly Hills Bawbag Street, 80,243rd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90210
All Inquiries 310-8574-0980
Fax 310-8574-1178
Australia Offices
8514 North Bondi Beach, Cunny Lingus Avenue, Sydney, Australia 49823
All Inquiries 02-4879-3674
Fax 02-4879-1478
Guatemala Offices
Centro Cvico. Suite 874
Taco Taco Enchilada Burrito Street 2-18 zone 12
Guatemala City 017765
All Inquiries 2421-58745
Fax 2421-15874
Zimbabwe Offices
1342 Anus Lane, 36th Floor
Harare, Zimbabwe 574986
All Inquiries 008-9856-9756
Fax 008-9856-3577
China Offices
1076 Fuk Yoo Road. 1st Floor
Beijing, China 213452
Fax 7844-56778-11110
Hawaii Offices
604 Tora Tora Tora Pearl Harbor Street. 3rd Floor
Honolulu, Hawaii 58745
All Inquiries 808-9877-54711
Fax 808-9877-87600
Jamaica Offices
212 Trench Town, Jerk Street, #8744
Kingston, Jamaica 8933214
All Inquiries 221-4417-1987
Fax 221-4417-874
Peru Offices
Tony Montana Yeyo Pass, Santa Catalina 28783
Lima, Peru 874415
All Inquiries 0074-9874-28777
Fax 0075-9877-14575
Bhuttan Offices
16563 Thimphu, third on the left mountain pass,
186345278 Grid Reference
All Inquiries by carrier pigeon and Buddhist monk
Japan Offices
Sakura Killers Ninja Media Tower,
83rd Floor
Tokyo, Japan 231999
All Inquiries 3-5477-978322
Fax 3-5477-987112
Tibet Offices
19773.775.5647 grid reference, Tibet (unfortunately, now China)
Afghanistan Offices
3423 Tally Ban Street, 3rd Floor
Helmand Province, Afghanistan
Iraq Offices
Improvised Explosion Road, Sunni Triangle, #445
Baghdad, Iraq 87546
All Inquiries 267-67855-1375
ax 267-67855-1311
Russia Offices
Vodka Building, 87 Floors Down,
Moscow, Russia 84555
All Inquiries FUCK OFF
Fax 095-2477-17311
Cayman Islands Offices
234 Offshore Money Pit Street
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands 548776
All Inquiries 345-7151-05033
Fax 345-2751-41337
Mauritius Offices
Moka, Dead Dodo District Road #314
Mauritius, 802123
All Inquiries 230-3199-83922
Fax 230-3929-89424
Alaska Offices
3664 Da Big Freeze Street, Suite 6587
Anchorage, Alaska 99504
All Inquiries 800-854-6500
Fax 800-854-6505
Norway Offices
547 Fermented Fish Arse Road, #700-388
Oslo, N-0130-Oslo
All Inquiries 47-3221-11327
Fax 47-3221-14527
Lebanon Offices
443 A Pile of Rubble Square,
Beirut, Lebanon
Libya Offices
667 Al Schute Yew Street. 33rd Floor
Tripoli, Libya 987-322
All Inquiries 4704-544-92100
Fax 4704-877-86070
Turkey Offices
2132 Smelly Kebab Road,
Istanbul, Turkey 88701
All Inquiries 212-33702-131272
Fax 212-33233-041244
Papua New Guinea Offices
32 Canny Ball Street,
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea 5545
All Inquiries 675-377-876922
Fax 675-377-897624
France Offices
24 Rue de Salop, Suite 78
Paris, France 758445
All Inquiries 206-8554-65221
Fax 206-8524-65021
Madagascar Offices
Rue Wanquer, #87785
Antananarivo, Madagascar 55874
All Inquiries 261-55272-11372
Fax 261-55272-31555
Italy Offices
Via Del Juvenalis 3766 PIZZA
Lake Como, Italy 122003
Sahara Offices
Grid Reference 3443.544.32234
Turn left on the sand dune, go straight 200 miles, then take a right at the big sand dune,
Sahara Desert, Sahara
Germany Offices
1111 Berchtesgaden,
Obersalzberg Mountain,
Bavaria, Germany 64431